How Can I Prove Negligence in New York City After a Slip and Fall Accident?

New York is a bustling City with millions of people. Unfortunately, this means that accidents are bound to happen, and are likely to leave the victims with serious injuries. In most cases, if you are injured in a slip and fall incident, the law allows you to file a claim against the property owner or manager in order to recover damages.

To successfully win your case, however, you have to prove that the property managers were negligent in their duty to keep the premises safe. It doesn’t have to be a big, gaping hole in the sidewalk for you to have a case – even something as small as a wet floor or loose carpeting can be enough to hold the property owner liable.

And in the case where the city is at fault – say, for a pothole in the street that caused you to trip and fall – you may be able to file a claim against them as well. But no matter who is at fault, you will need to be able to prove negligence in order to win your case. The following information provides several ways to help you prove your case:

Gather Evidence

No one anticipates being injured in an accident, but if it does happen to you, it’s important to take some quick action in order to preserve any evidence that could be used to support your claim. This means taking photos of the scene of the accident, getting witnesses’ contact information, and keeping any receipts or other documentation related to your injuries.

This evidence will be crucial in proving negligence, so make sure to take as much of it as possible.

Seeking Medical Attention

In addition to gathering physical evidence, it’s also important to get medical attention as soon as possible after the accident. Not only does it ensure you get the treatment you need, but also leaves a paper trail that can be used to later support your claim. Remember to keep all of your medical reports and documentation in one place, as they will be invaluable evidence later.

Hiring A Lawyer

While it’s not always necessary to have an attorney so that you can file a personal injury claim, it’s generally in your best interest to do so. Personal injury law can be complex, and a New York City slip and fall lawyer at Douglas & London will be able to help you navigate the process and give you the best chance of success. At the very least, consult with an attorney before taking any legal against the negligent party. Most personal injury claim attorneys offer free consultations, so it can’t hurt to explore your options.


Proving negligence can be a challenge, but if you are a victim, it’s advisable to take action to safeguard your rights. Be sure to gather as much evidence as possible, seek medical attention, and consider hiring a lawyer to help you with your case. With the right approach, you can successfully prove negligence and win the compensation you deserve.

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