Expired Driver’s License At The Time Of The Accident: Will It Affect My Claim?

If you drive a vehicle long enough, you will eventually get into a car accident. Although most accidents are fairly minor and result in few injuries, others leave victims seriously…

Who Is Liable for Injuries in NYC After a Slip and Fall on a Faulty Sidewalk?

Slip and fall incidents are listed among the top causes of accident-related disability and death throughout the United States. What might be a simple unfortunate slip and fall can lead…

How Can I Prove Negligence in New York City After a Slip and Fall Accident?

New York is a bustling City with millions of people. Unfortunately, this means that accidents are bound to happen, and are likely to leave the victims with serious injuries. In…

Should I Accept a Settlement in my Truck Accident Lawsuit?

You may be wondering whether to accept a settlement or proceed to trial during the legal process of seeking compensation for the losses you have suffered in a truck accident.…

All About Distracted Driving Behaviors and Why They Are So Dangerous

Distracted driving is a significant problem in the United States. It kills thousands of people every year and injures many more. Cell phones are a common culprit in distracted driving…

Dangers of Driving Too Fast: Things To Remember When You Drive

Are you one of those drivers that always seems to be in a hurry? Do you routinely break the speed limit? If so, you may want to reconsider your driving…

Rear-End Motorcycle Accident Injuries: Ten Types You Might Face

Most people think of motorcycle accidents as those that happen when a bike collides with a car. However, there are other ways that a motorcycle accident can occur, such as…

Where Do Serious Slip And Fall Accidents Happen?

Slip and fall accidents form a major portion of global morbidity and mortality. Thousands of such accidents occur around the globe each year, resulting in numerous emergency visits, hospitalizations, physical…